Free Midlife Meditations

Episode 104: It All Starts Here with Ronnie Loaiza

fitness habits mindset Jun 29, 2022
A teal graphic with white daisies around the edges. A Polaroid-style photo shows Ronnie Lo, a woman with dark hair wearing red and smiling. Text on the graphic reads: “It All Starts Here - Episode 104” and “Ronnie Lo”

What is your Purpose Now?



Ronnie Loaiza found a passion for learning about health and wellness and decided to get certified as a personal trainer at 46. She also realized that she wasn’t happy in her career anymore and decided to go into personal training full time where she found that she was coaching her clients on mindset. People kept telling her she should be a life coach, so now at 57, she’s pivoted her coaching program to work as a holistic, high performance life coach.

If you want to know more about Ronnie’s coaching programs you can find her on Instagram, and Facebook


In Full Bloom: a guide to aging playfully 

a little book of inspiration with big impact

Whether for yourself or a loved one, this guidebook is a reminder that midlife is an opportunity for growth, adaptation, and celebration.

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