Episode 112: Who Wants to Go Outside and Get Dirty? with Kriste Peoples
Oct 05, 2022
Make more noise. Be your own hero.
Do you ever feel antsy? Like something’s off? Like you just need a change?
One of the things I love about my guest this week is how she is courageous about following her curiosity!
Kriste Peoples is a Denver-based writer, speaker, producer, women’s trail running coach, and outdoorist. That wasn’t always her gig! She started off as a graphic designer working in New York City, but she had an aha moment that led her to move to Arizona to go to graduate school for writing and she didn’t stop exploring there. Her work in the field of equity and inclusion in nature combines speaking and facilitating transformational experiences for others. As founder of Black Women’s Alliance of Denver she extends her passion for connecting underrepresented communities to new, empowering narratives of wellness.
If you are interested in learning more about Kriste Peoples you can visit her website, find her on Instagram or LinkedIn.
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