Episode 137: Late Blooming Entrepreneurship with Cat Corchado
Mar 29, 2023
What is the best age to start a new business?
Do you have a hobby or a side hustle that you wish was your full time employment? You might be telling yourself it’s a pipe dream or it’s too late… and yet… when you clock in at your day job that you could do in your sleep you can’t help but wonder what might happen if you took a chance on yourself. Maybe the kids are grown and flown and you need a sense of purpose to fill your days… but you don’t want to work for someone else.
If this sounds like you, I have a special “Where are they now” episode that might be just the nudge you need to get started on the path to being a business owner. Cat Corchado is someone who is continually changing, adapting and growing. I'm having her back on my podcast for the 2nd time because this year at the age of 65 she launched an online community called Small Space Pilates. Cat has worked as a self employed pilates instructor since she retired from the AirForce, but she has only recently begun to think of herself as an entrepreneur.
Entrepreneurship can be extremely rewarding. It can force you to grow in ways you could never predict. It’s not an easy journey, but nothing worthwhile comes easy.
Even if you aren’t thinking of starting a business, this conversation might inspire you to start taking action in another area of your life where you are holding yourself back. Cat and I talk a lot about the mindset involved when you become an entrepreneur later in life.
So you may still be asking, "What is the best age to start a new business?". My answer to you is... YOUR age is the perfect age to start!
It's never too late to do whatever it is that is calling you.
Start today.... Baby steps totally count!
If you are interested in learning more about Cat Corchado, her podcast or her Small Space Pilates program visit her Website or follow her on Instagram.
** Exciting Announcement!
I recently became a roving reporter for a new live streamed show called Good Morning Entrepreneurs and an edited version of this conversation with Cat can be seen here along with a ton of great content created to help business owners feel a little less lonely on their journey.
** If you want to hear my original interview with Cat you can find it here!
In Full Bloom: a guide to aging playfully
a little book of inspiration with big impact
Whether for yourself or a loved one, this guidebook is a reminder that midlife is an opportunity for growth, adaptation, and celebration.
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