Episode 155: Using Time Wisely... Season 3 Finale
Aug 02, 2023
A Candid Conversation with Lou Blaser
Hey there, Late Bloomers! Can you believe it's already time for the Season 3 finale?
We've had an incredible journey together, and I can't thank you enough for being a part of it.
Before we take a little break, I've got something special lined up for you. In this episode, I sit down with my close friend Lou Blaser for a heart-to-heart chat about making room for the good stuff in life – those big dreams and projects that go beyond the daily grind.
You definitely don't wanna miss this one! We dive deep into the concept of "Using Time Wisely" and share our thoughts on setting goals, pursuing passions, and embracing self-care and joy as essential priorities in our lives.
And here's the best part – we keep it real! Yup, we're not perfect, and we're not afraid to admit it. We talk about the challenges we face, including that pesky guilt that likes to sneak up on us when we're trying to enjoy some well-deserved downtime.
So, grab your favorite drink, sit back, and join us for this thought-provoking chat. We spill the beans on our experiences and strategies for finding that sweet spot between being productive and taking care of ourselves. Get ready for a blast of inspiration!
Now, I know you might be sad that we'll be on a little break after this episode. But don't fret! I've got you covered. During the downtime between seasons, I'll be putting together a list of past episodes that you can explore and enjoy.
Make sure to follow me on Instagram and keep an eye on your inbox for news and updates while the podcast is on break. We'll stay connected!
And guess what? Season 4 is just around the corner! Mark your calendars for October 18, 2023. We'll be back in action with more exciting stories, interviews, and insights to fuel your late blooming journey.
Until then, my friends, keep blooming and growing. Thank you for being a part of Late Bloomer Living – you make this journey truly special!
Are you looking to live life more intentionally and grow personally as you get older?
Subscribe to The Midlife Cues Newsletter! It's written and published by Lou Blaser, who left a successful career in corporate America and now focuses on helping midlifers be truly happy and feel fulfilled in the second half of their lives. Subscribe Here!
In Full Bloom: a guide to aging playfullyĀ
a little book of inspiration with big impact
Whether for yourself or a loved one, this guidebook is a reminder that midlife is an opportunity for growth, adaptation, and celebration.
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