Episode 188: 40 Years, 40 Drinks and Conversations that Matter with Stephanie McLaughlin
May 29, 2024
An Ongoing Journey of Self Discovery
Instead of throwing a lavish party, for her milestone 40th birthday, Stephanie McLaughlin opted for something more meaningful: 40 thoughtful conversations over drinks.
This project idea turned into an unintentional journey of self-discovery that has had lasting influence in Stephanie’s life. Join us for a conversation about her "Forty Drinks" project.
Now at 52, Stephanie shares how her initial project evolved into starting The Forty Drinks Podcast. With the idea of talking to other people about their experience of turning 40, Stephanie embarked on a mission to explore the transitions that occur around this significant age. Discover how this simple yet profound project led Stephanie to reevaluate her self-perception, particularly her long-held belief that she was always "one of the guys."
Through reconnecting with old friends, she gained fresh insights into herself and her relationships. So, grab a drink and join us as we delve into Stephanie's inspiring story.
Find out more about Stephanie McLaughlin and the Forty Drinks Podcast and follow her on Instagram.
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