Episode 94: Better Than Fine with Lori Saitz
Apr 20, 2022
Gratitude is Key
Lori Saitz is the CEO of Zen Rabbit and host of the podcast “FINE is a 4-Letter Word.” She’s an award-winning writer, speaker, and broadcaster as well as a nationally recognized expert in using gratitude and meditation as shortcuts to success.
When “fine” isn’t good enough you feel it in your bones. Midlife can be a time for recognizing a need for deeper connection to your heart’s desire.
Mourning the loss of both her mother and the end of her business had Lori Saitz questioning everything. After 22 years of marriage and life, she was wondering where the girl she used to be had gone? Her life was “FINE” but she felt stuck and lost. She ended up deciding that fine was definitely not good enough.
If you’re interested in learning more about Lori Saitz visit her website.
You can also follow her on Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook.
In Full Bloom: a guide to aging playfully
a little book of inspiration with big impact
Whether for yourself or a loved one, this guidebook is a reminder that midlife is an opportunity for growth, adaptation, and celebration.
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